I'm 39 weeks pregnant .. and am only dilated 1cm (as of this morning at my exam)
I've noticed since my exam this morning that my underware have been wet .. I changed underware and these new ones are wet as well ... it has no smell (it's not pee) .. is there a chance I'm leaking amniotic fluid??
If I were to leak amniotic fluid instead of my water bag just breaking .. would it be a steady stream down my leg? or could it just cause moisture in my underware???
I'm a first time mom :)
Am I leaking amniotic fluid???
My doctor told me that if your hind waters leak it can just cause constant moisture on underware. I would suggest just checking with your doctor because even with a hind water leak you can get an infection.
Am I leaking amniotic fluid???
Please call the DR. if it is a leak there is a chance of infection.
Yes, you most certainly could be. I have done it myself. If it is amniotic fluid, small amounts can gush out periodically; not necessarily run down your leg. If your water broke, then yes, it would run down your leg. Please check with your Dr.
It sounds like you have a leaky water bag... Call your doctor now. I had the same thing and delivered 6 hours later. The doctor told me to get to the hospital so I would be a more germ free environment. Sounds like the baby is close to coming now. Best of luck.
You could be. Or it could just be a discharge. Amniotic fluid does have a smell also, so maybe it could also be sweat. Amniotic fluid doesn't always come out in a steady stream. Usually it stops while you are sitting or laying down. When you stand up is when it comes out more. But you could just have a slow leak. (if this is what it is)
I would give my doc a call just to be on the safe side. That's what they are there for. (and on call for!) Call your doc! Good luck and congrats!
Call the doc. I noticed the same thing and waited untill my doc appointment less then 12 hours away and got an infection. Call your doc ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was just a little. I didnt' even need a pad or anything. I don't want anyone else to go through what i did. Call the doc to be safe!
you could be.
With my first son my waters broke and I certainly knew it.
Water everywhere! gushing,I needed towels between my legs to soak it up.
I would wait a while longer and see if it keeps coming,because if it does your waters are breaking and you will have your baby within 48 hours as there is a risk of infection.
Call your hospital and they will do an internal and let you know.
Good luck!!
i think i can DEFFF help you out. SAMEE thing happened to me. i woke up one day..(5 days before i had her ) and my bed was wet so i thought my water broke..went to the hospital and checked me and it was neither my water or amniotc fluid. they sent me home and told me to watch to see if i leak anything..and i did for 3 or 4 days ..it was like i was peeing my pants..but i wasnt..so finally i said somethings gotta be wrong so i went and they said..ok ur water sack broke and good thing you came in when you did or you would of had a %26quot;dry birth%26quot; which can be VERYYY painful..so i would advise you to go RIGHTTTT now!! it could be one of those above. Jus be safe then sorry ..
My doctor told me if I ever suspected I was leaking amniotic fluid to lay down for a while and then stand up and if you feel a gush of water then it's more than likely leaking.