Saturday, 24 September 2011

How hard is it to change bearings in a 2003 Chevy IFS diff?

It feels like something is loose and banging when I hit a bump. Shocks are new, drverside was bad. The cv looks and feels ok, no broken boots. I thought that the Unit bearing had failed but replaced it and problem is still there.I have movement on the drivers side axle flange and some fluid leakage on the diff near the flange. I have seen bearings for sale but not sure if should pull the diff and try to change the bearings. Can't find any diagrams or how to's to look at, don't have time for suprises. Any help would be great.
How hard is it to change bearings in a 2003 Chevy IFS diff?
If you have fluid leaking behind the rear wheels and it is not break fluid , I would say your axle bearing are worn out and the seal is gone , Go ahead and replace both sides , You know you can do it , good luck