Friday, 16 September 2011

Hard shift after fluid change?

I drive a manual, it's been about 46k miles and i thought it was due for a tranny fluid change, i went in and they drained out the old fluid, i told em to put in 75w-80 because i wanted easier shifts, the recommended fluid is 75w-90. and after the change i drove it for about 50 miles and everything was fine, this morning it was around 30f and when i got in the car and drove off i wasn't able to shift out of first and into second, it took tremendous amount of power to bring it to second. third and fourth were easier. Well i was stunned at what the difference the fluid made so i took it back and had them put in 75w-90 except this time i put in some REALLY good stuff, royal purple (1Qt) with lucas transmission fix. Drove it for 30 miles and after the engine was reasonably warm i stopped at a light...took off in first and when i shifted to second it felt like two metal plates grinding together screaming at me to stop before it breaks. like it came out of first in a huge grunt, and went into second like that grunt turned into a scream, imagine cutting metal with dull scissors and you got the idea, it didn't happen to any of the other gears and the transmission has 46k miles on it, also the car is a 2002 Hyundai Accent. I know i messed up the synchros in the first gear with all the burnouts i've done. What is a quick fix, btw, i'm not sure how much of my clutch is left but i'm sure it's to the lower end.
Hard shift after fluid change?
It sounds like a combination of the clutch perhaps not disengaging completely and a second gear synchro that's lost the ability to lock the gear up to synchronize the shift.
Hard shift after fluid change?
does this manual trans by chance really use automatic trans fluid? what kind of car do you drive? the difference between 75/90. and 75/80 is nothing. your shifter sticking tells me you are using the wrong gear oil. what color was it ? red? automatic trans fluid, racing comes in different colors,green, blue, brown. but its thin. will not stink like gear oil. I think this trans of yours takes automatic fluid. ( well your the one with the problem not me) royal purple what?