I have an appointment on Monday to get
it on the diagnostics but if someone could give me a probable cause it would help. I have not had any proble
ms with my mini van at all. It has 118,000 miles on it. I have had the trans filter and fluid changed 16,000 miles ago. Today I had stopped for gas and when I started to go up a hill it was rattl
ing like crazy. It felt like the anti-lock brakes were kicking in. As soon as I topped the hill it was fine. I didn't think anything of it, but when I started up another hill it felt worse so I turned around and went and got my boyfriend's truck from where he works. I was not going to take any chances with it. I am disabled and can not walk if I broke down. Can someone please tell me what it might be. My boyfriend thinks I may have gotten dirty gas. He said to put a gasline dryer and octane boost in my tank. Please any advice will be appreciated.
Having a problem with my '94 chevy lumina mini van. Can someone please help?
you might have gotten some bad gas or have trash in the bottem of your gas tank
Having a problem with my '94 chevy lumina mini van. Can someone please help?
It's probably the differencial gears. When they become filled with sludge, it affects the gears. Going uphill makes the differential work more harder to go faster. Have it serviced.
When was the last time you changed the spark plugs? Sounds to me like it might be cutting out. Does it still have the original plug wires, these are often overlooked when changing plugs. Twelve year old wires would have a lot of resistance.
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