I keep losing power and no matter how much i step on the acceleration the speed meter does not go and i have to put it back to gear 4 for more power.I'm not sure what the prob is, has anyone come to a situation like this before?
it's manual, the problem started happening after my brothers broke the break fluid line then had to change it. flush the fluid and put in new brake fluid. the brakes bcame hard when u step on it will break straight away and the sport clutch bcame very soft. like its gona stall - only happen twice. spoke to a friend, he reckon there air in it or it could be the transmission? no mods. now the entire car shakin on forth gear
Need help/advise?
sounds like the forth gear modulator valve went out, take it by autozone and have them scan it, also might be a loose gas cap
Need help/advise?
sounds like a clutch problem to me
start by kicking some serious *** on brothers, next listen close, A stick shift car clutch slipping is noticeable by the engine revving up but no response by the car also would be hell to get rolling. does your car have drum brakes? did they remove the drums and mess with the brake pads? the 1st thing I'd check is if the rims feel extra hot after a short drive. i suspect some serious drag is going on also did they use dot 3 brake fluid? I have so many questions in mind and by the way we all need models and years of cars to be more clear for you