Changed calliper, brand new 2nd one. Noticed the first time there was some break fluid leak around where the flex line connects to the hose. I went driving it on a short trip and still heated up, to the point where it started to smoke a little. Like i said, new calliper, set right, took tire off almost burnt my fingers and looked at it fresh. yes, there was leakage of break fluid from the line. would or could that be causing the rotor to heat up?
Will a leaky brake line connecting to calliper cause rotors to get hot and i mean hot? changed calliper?
no leaking brake fluid will not sounds like you have a bad brake hose. the hose has a leak for one thing but it can also have a broken piece of rubber inside acting as a check valve not letting your brakes fully release. i have seen it before and have experienced it before.
Will a leaky brake line connecting to calliper cause rotors to get hot and i mean hot? changed calliper?
if the caliper don,t have enough pressure against it then the pads will just slide on the rotor. but it,s probably a caliper is binding up.
Depending on the weight of the vehicle and the need for brakes (hills etc) brakes can and DO get VERY VERY HOT, especially truck brakes. I have seen brake rotors glowing before, it is not good to get them this hot but just because it was hot enough to burn you is nothing to be concerned about. Most cars brakes will get between 200-350+ degrees in a very short time and in constant stopping traffic stay that way the entire time.
If you are noticing brake fluid around the rotor/ caliper area clean everything with brake parts cleaner and have a helper bear down on the brakes whilst you watch (wheel removed and rotor exposed) the assembly for fluid weeping (or spraying) out. The most likely place for fluid to leak would be the brake lines, possibly caused by hanging the brake caliper by the brake hose/line. You really need to hang it with a wire hanger or anything to keep the tension off the hose. Also the piston itself can leak around the edges and some have bleeder valves which can leak if not securely closed.
change that brake hose and it should cure your problem.