Pulsates then seems to operate normally although ABS light remains on untill you turn off %26amp; on again. It would appear that the fluid has not been changed since 2003 120k KLM ago. The pad,s are OK but do not know about the rotors. I had a similar issue with a W126 a few years back but changed the car before it was resolved. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I have a breaking problem with one of my W124 300E. The ABS light comes on as car gets warm and the pedal?
suspect the right or left wheel speed sensors you may wish to replace both as w 124's are getting long in the tooth. they can be tested with a multi-meter [if you are savy with one] resistance is about 1k ohms and should be capible of putting out more than 3 volts A/C at 15-20 mph wheel rotation speed [brisk hand spinning of tire]
without any dropouts while flexing the wires.
be careful jacking and blocking as you can be dead only once.
note because car has no symptom until warm it will not be of much use to test it cold [drive it until the symptom occurs then test]
I have a breaking problem with one of my W124 300E. The ABS light comes on as car gets warm and the pedal?
Please re-word this question; In its current form, it doesn't make much sense. Why don't you change your brake fluid?