Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Will lack of brake fluid affect my speedo?

just changed the gearbox in my 99 renault laguna found a broken brake pipe which has dumped all the brake fluid on the floor and now my speedo is not working and flipped over and gone past the top speed mark
Will lack of brake fluid affect my speedo?
brake fluid will have nothing to do with your speedometer not working.
Will lack of brake fluid affect my speedo?
No, brake fluid loss will not effect your speedometer. Perhaps the work that was done on the gearbox had something to do with it though.
Loss of brake fluid could cause a crack in your cranium.
You stated you changed the gearbox.

MOST cars' speedometers drive off the transmission (gearbox). I'd say check there first.
The speedometer is actuated by a cable that is

directly linked to the center axis of the left front

wheel. It is a purely mechanical device and does

not have anything to do with the hydraulics of the

braking system