O.K. now I know this might sound dumb as this is my fourth child but my water only broke on its own for one of them. This morning I have been getting menstrual like cramps I tried laying down,drinking fluids and eating and it remains the same. I also have clear/white discharge I changed my panties twice already, it's not running down my leg but I'm wondering if my water might have %26quot; sprung a leak%26quot; ?
Did my water break I'm 38 wks and 5 days.?
It's possible to have it come out in trickles like that (I had that happen with my 1st kid at 35 weeks) But it actually sounds more like you have an infection (which is really common in the last few weeks) Either way you need to call your dr. and get into see them.
Did my water break I'm 38 wks and 5 days.?
I think you may have sprung a leak, give your Dr. a call, they may want you to go in so they can check how much fluid you have/lost. Congrats!
i %26quot;sprung a leak%26quot; with my second, and it felt like i peed, a few times.
Its not gonna hurt going to get check out to see if anything ruptured in there.
My water broke or started leaking in the middle of the night on a saturday, sunday afternoon i went and got checked, they admitted me and were going to induce monday morning but i went into labor on my own at midnight sunday....