Friday, 7 October 2011

Think i'm leaking amniotic fluid?

I'm not quite sure, but I'm going in to start to have my baby on Sunday. Today I noticed a BIG change in my discharge. I'm having more white creamy discharge and my underwear and saturated with clear liquid kind of like water. I'm having cramps like pressure but I have been having that for a long time and I was told that was normal. Should I go to the hospital or just continue to monitor everything? How fast should contractions start coming after your water breaks? i tried calling the hospital already and they are just telling me that if i think my water broke then to come in.. the doctor is 1 hr away and i don't want to go in and waste the gas money if it's just a simple thing and its not amniotic fluid.
Think i'm leaking amniotic fluid?
Go in to the hospital. Wasting a little money is way better than having your baby at home or in the car on the drive to the hospital!
Think i'm leaking amniotic fluid?
It sounds like you lost your mucus plug and your water broke.

Monitor your cramps. When they become more regular and can be timed call the hospital back.

After my water broke my contractions never started, they had to induce me both times.

Good Luck!
Go to the hospital NOW! Good Luck, and God Bless
Amontic fluid looks like clear water and so people don't get strong contractions after their water breaks. When mine broke they had to give me Pitcin to get things moving. I would go to the hospital because it's better to be safe than sorry.
You should go in and get checked!!! If there your doctor has other doctors at their practice you may be able to get one of them to check you. My water broke like that and I did not know it. When I started having contractions and went in the dr was worried about how long my water had been broken since the babies head was blocking %26quot;the flow%26quot;. The worst thing that will happen when you get to the hospital is they will send you home. But you will go home knowing your baby is okay! They also won't call your dr until they confirm you are in labor so no big deal there. Good luck and Congrats!!!
With my second, my water began to leak, and the nurse thought it must have been from the top of the bag. It began leaking at 11am and I by admittance in the hospital at 2pm my water was flowing out pretty good. I didn't know by then, cause I was sitting on a pile of pads! My contractions began the night before, maybe close to 1 or 2 am, but they never got intense until after I noticed the leak.

I could tell it was different, cause I went to pee and it didn't stop. It didn't just keep flowing or entirely gush, although I knew it had to be the water. It doesn't contain mucus, although that could be the plug. You may see some reddish discharge with the leak, but I would call and let the doc know atleast.
Oh please! You can go for ever with a broken bag of water and still not go into labor. Wait until you have contractions the hospital will admit you if your water bag is broken and give you 24 hours to have your baby. They are afraid of infection but as long as you don't have a fever your not really in danger. I go at 511, contractions 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute long for 1 hour. That should get you there in plenty of time. Otherwise you get stuck there and they don't let you eat and check you constantly. Sounds like the loss of the mucus plug and maybe a little bit of water, just put on a pad and have a good lunch, hang out, watch a movie.
It is a little late to order now, but they do have a kit you can buy called AmnioSense Panty Liners. They are liners that you can wear and it will indicate whether you are leaking fluid or not. Also, the cost beats the price of going to the emergency room with the same result of having a definite answer.
You have to go to the hospital because if your water did break and you dont have the baby in a certain time span you could end up having problems and it is also dangerous for the baby...just go and check I would rather do that than have something happen. Better safe than sorry. Good luck.
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