I have a 1990 Dodge Ram D150, AT, fuel injected.
My truck is starting to break.. It's starting to become overwhelming the problems that it has. Here's what is happening -
In the morning, my truck always stalls, immediately after turning the key. It will continue to stumble and stall for about 5 minutes until it begins to idle steady.
When starting in the morning, I get a pretty decent sized white cloud of smoke from the exhaust, and it lasts for about 10 minutes. My coolant overflow tank drains itself about once a week. However, my radiator never needs fluid. The smoke stops after about ten minutes, and there is never any drops of water noticeable coming from the exhaust.
Recently, my truck has started to slip gears. It usually happens in the morning, but today it happened a few times. I'll start the car, put it in drive, drive for a bit. Then, I'll come to a stop, try to rev it back up, and the truck will act as if it is in neutral. I have to either restart the car, or fool with the gears for a minute to get it to go back into drive. I changed my transmission fluid and filter about 6 months ago.
In addition, I have pretty bad idling problems, I think something is wrong in my fuel system somewhere. It drives well when going fast, but when idling in park, or driving below 10 miles, or in reverse, it chugs, sputters, hesitates, etc. After replacing the fuel filter and using injector cleaner, this problem isnt as severe, but it still happens occassionally.
My main question is, how long can I expect this truck to last? Especially if I can't afford more than say $500 in repairs? Is my transmission going bad? What is happening to my coolant? Is this causing the white smoke? Even though I changed my transmission fluid 6 months ago, will changing it again help the slippage?
How much life is left in my truck?
so from my experience doge transmission are notaries for slippage so for the trans i would say that you have at the most 1-2 months of working trany and it will probably just keep getting whores try some Lukass trany fix and that might keep you going a Little longer but i would start looking for a $500 beater. i hope that answeredd part of the questin
How much life is left in my truck?
If you can't afford to maintain your vehicle, then can't afford to repair it....the vehicle won't last long at all.
For a 1990 Dodge, though, it should last somewhere near 500,000 miles, assuming the owner maintains it properly.
Anything before that....it's because it wasn't cared for.
For the age of the vehicle I would get a newer vehicle and don't sink any money into this truck.
By what you are saying, you could spend upwards of $4K.
The vehicle isn't worth it. Put the money towards a different vehicle.