so a week ago i noticed that my underwear were soaked with this clear liquid, me and my husband went to the hospital because we thought it was my water breaking. we were very disapponted however, when they sent us home and said it was cervical mucous or discharge of some sort.
now for the past 2 days i have been leaking the same kind of fluid, and each time i have to change my underwear cuz they are uncomfortably wet
can anyone give me a bit of insight as to what the difference is between discharge and your water?
thanks to everyone :)
Difference between amniotic fluid and discharge? 40 weeks pregnant?
I don't think there is any real way to tell yourself. You will have to be checked. I went into hospital because I though my waters were leaking, but the midwife told me that it was my mucus plug, apparently when you loose this it could be a thick glob, or be very fluid (I didn't know this I was waiting for the thick glob). I was in labour at this stage, having regular contraction too, but I was 0 cm dilated so was sent home.
If you are concerned go back in, they may send you home if you are not in labour but your waters have broken, but will want to keep an eye on you and would probably induce you with-in 48 hours if labour doesn't start naturally to prevent infection.
Difference between amniotic fluid and discharge? 40 weeks pregnant?
Amniotic fluid has a very very distinct smell to it - it can range from sickening sweet to bleachy
Normal discharge or urine is generally odorless
Discharge is a slow process. Amniotic fluid typically appears as a gush like a water balloon popping.
Terms such as slow, gush, small and large are relative. One lady that I took care of paniced after delivery because she passed a LARGE clot [to her] the size of a golf ball. The person who taught her prenatal class had said that little clots were OK but that big ones were not.... and never quantified what was large and what was small. :} it took a while to calm her down and explain that - Yes golf ball size would be large for a period type clot, but that after a baby [first few days] this would be a SMALL clot-- large would be cantelope size or bigger. Demand that your caregivers define their terms.....