The hospital said that my membrane ruptured. I was in the hospital for 4 days. In that time my amniotic fluid levels went from (12 is normal) 10, to 4, to none, then to 7.5 on my last ultrasound. The first hospital suggested that I have my labor induced, (my cervix is still closed) I refused. Because my baby's heartbeat is very strong and my fluid levels is always changing. So I was sent to a bigger hospital. Where I was given antibiotics, and IV fluids. The doctor's sent me home yesterday with a prescription for antibiotics, and told me that I needed to be on bed rest and try to make it 4 weeks without an infection and going into early labor. If I can make it that long I will then be admitted into the hospital at 24 weeks and given steroids for the baby's lungs. I will have to be in the hospital for the rest of my pregnancy, they said I could deliver at 24 weeks and the baby might survive but they will try to prevent delivery until 34 weeks, depending on if I get an infection but the baby has to be born at 34 weeks.
I am really scared I will wake up and the baby will have been born without me know it. Is that possible?
Has anyone had an early water break like this? What was the outcome? I am so scared. But I still have hope.
I am 20 weeks pregnant and my water broke?
my water broke at 13 weeks and made it to 20 weeks before i went into labor. Unfortunately my son didn't make it. Since you are much farther along than i was i think if you stick with the bed rest and do everything the dr said you have a good chance of making it to the 24 weeks. Its very difficult. they suggested that i be induced as well but refused. there have been cases where the rip seals itself. my fluid level never went back up, so that may be a very good sign for you. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant again and i am scared to death it will happen again. Please take it easy and don't to anything and drink lots of fluids. Im praying for you and your baby. I would love for your outcome to be positive! If you ever need to talk you can message me anytime. I learned alot and may be able to help you more. God Bless, Jennifer
I am 20 weeks pregnant and my water broke?
One thing is for sure, you will not have a baby without knowing it. Even women who have a miscarriage will have SEVERE cramping.
You're best bet is to do everything the hospital tells you, take it easy, and pray.
Best of luck.