I have a 98 dodge stratus. Its been running really well as of late, but last week, the wheel started putting up resistance when I try to turn. Its only when I'm pulling into or out of parking spots, or try to turn with my foot on the break...I just got my oil changed a little while ago and they said all my fluids were good...is this going to be pricey to fix?
Problem working the steering wheel in my car when i want to turn!!?
Check power steering Genius
Problem working the steering wheel in my car when i want to turn!!?
Sounds as if you are having one of two problems. First check the belt. If the problem is at low RPMs it could be slipping. Or you could have a rack and pinion that is going bad on you.
sounds like the steering pump is low or the belt is slipping. those places will tell you anything. some of those places don,t know a power steering from a radio.