Friday, 7 October 2011

Master clutch cylinder question#2?

so i had my fluid changed and it was thinner fluid, i requested it, and it sounds like metal on metal while shifting, mind you, i'm not an idiot, i used 75-80 instead of 75-90, so not too much of a difference but the old fluid probably had so much residue in it that it eased the shift and didn't make it sound like it was dieing, well the problem is that i think the clutch is wearing and that the master cylinder is worn out, it's not producing enough pressure to get the clutch to fully activate, so when i double clutch it's a perfect shift, when i don't it shifts like the transmission might break at any moment, also if i stress the car and transmission, like redline 3rd and get to about 95 on 4th and come to a stop and shift 1-2 it runs fine for like maybe 10-20 seconds, then it's back to the usual metal on metal shifts. Am i right about the clutch master and how much to get that replaced and is that part of the clutch? Would the slave have anything to do with it?

* 53 minutes ago

* - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details

i got an 2002 hyundai accent, where's the master and slave located?
Master clutch cylinder question#2?
First things first, Buy a HAYNES Manual for your particular vehicle, at the Auto-Parts Store $20 and On-Line $25. This will help you alot if you want to work on your own car. I have messed with hydraulic clutches a little. The Master cylinder is usually mounted in the engine compartment on the firewall right in line with the push rod linkage at the top of the clutch pedal lever. There will be a little resivoir on top of it. The fluid is low. They use Brake fluid, make sure to use the correct Type. It should be printed on the res. lid. I can't imagine the cylinders leaking bad on a car that new. The Slave is normally mounted on the bell housing with two bolts and the hydraulic line connects the two cylinders together. The slave has a bleeder valve on it,you may need to bleed air out of the system if it got low enough to start pumping air. Get a flashlight and inspection mirror and look things over. There could be a leaky cylinder,loose or damaged hose,it should be obvious.
Master clutch cylinder question#2?
No hydraulic clutch that i have ever known of has ever used ANY weight of oil, they use brake fluid. But i could be wrong on a kia, no telling what they did.
Only brake fluid in a HYD clutch.. Sounds more like your synchros in tranny are a bit used up...
if double clutching makes it shift smoother,you may need to bleed the slave. sounds like there may be air in the line.double clutching gives the slave that extra pressure needed to release the throw out bearing.
if you have a metal on metal sound only when the clutch is pressed to the floor, that is not a transmission fluid issue, that is a throw out bearing or pilot bearing that is failing. i think that it is time to have a clutch replaced. at that point all four wear items are replaced, the clutch disc, the pressure plate, throw out bearing and the pilot bearing when the car is equipped with one. the clutch master cylinder,, although i do not see any relation to this problem is beside the brake master cylinder. the slave cylinder is on the bell housing or it could be an internal type. btw changing fluid types is not a good idea, engineers have done a great deal of research to determine what fluid should be used and which will optimize fuel economy along with lifespan of that part.