Today is my due date. Just went to the doc this evenung and I was 2 cm dilated. About 1 1/2 hours ago I noticed blood when I went to the bathroom. Three times since then I've had to change my panty liner because it's like I have my period. About 10 minutes ago a felt a weird pop in my abdomen very low, but no gush or trickle of fluid. When I got up (I was laying down when I felt it) there was a trickle that wet my entire panty liner and my panties so bad I had to change them. It was like liquid butbloody and had some stringy blood in it. I'm not feeling any trickle at the moment but every few minutes I do. Also, no painful contraction like pain. This is my third pregnancy but nothing like this happened with my other 2. Should I wake my husband and have him take the kids to grandmas now?
Did my water just break?
Yes, get the kids to Grandma's. You should be in labor soon if not already in the beginning stages of contractions. This being your third, your labor will probably move along much more quickly.
Very Best Wishes %26amp; Congratulations!!!!
Did my water just break?
You broke your water and you need to see your doctor now, you need to be induced if you are not contracting.
Yes it is your water breaking! You shouldn't be asking us, though, but calling your doctor for advice. Go see your doctor NOW and good luck with your baby.
Hurry! You must call the doctor and tell them you were on the way. The baby is coming! :)
YES. Your water most likely broke. go now and good luck
congrats. to motherhood and get to that doctor you water broke honey
Sounds like it's time to go! Good luck and Congrats!
I think it did, you should consult your Dr. or your hospital asap. I am worried about the blood that your mentioning. Only your Dr can tell you what is best for you at this point. You may not have any contractions but your water has broken for sure. Good luck.
hurry man! no time to waste the liltle one is coming out! you most likely broke your water you will start getting contractions in a few. good luck and hope its a beautiful babygirl!
What are you doing on here asking about it!!??? If that happened to me id be rushing to the hospital! Go to the hospital NOW!