I am 40.3 weeks and this morning at 8:30 I had a huge gush and my waters broke (went to hospital and was confirmed) since I was not having contractions I was sent home until 8 pm tonight when I go back it is likely I will be induced..Anyways the gushing has not stopped since 8:30, its been about every 10-15 min I get a massive gush and have to change my pad (they are the heavy duty ones), and pants.. Is it just supposed to keep gushing like this? I feel like I have let out over a pound of fluid.. Thanks
Question about water breaking and amount of fluid?
Yes, there is often a lot of amniotic fluid, it keeps seeping out.
Good Luck!
Question about water breaking and amount of fluid?
if your water has broke you should not have been sent home. afer your water breaking you have to dleiver within 24 hours .. you could get an infection. you need to go back to the hospital
It's fine. Your body keeps producing more amniotic fluid, so you will continue to leak until you deliver. It just seems like it's a lot. Actually I'm surprised they sent you home even though you aren't laboring. Once you're ruptured they usually keep you to watch for signs of infection, cord prolapse, etc.
This is normal because your body keeps making more fluid for the baby, even if the membranes have broken. Be sure to keep hydrated and best of luck tonight!
I dont think they should have sent you home but yes when you go back they will induce if your not having contractions. Good Luck
that sounds like a lot of fluid!
please look at my question.
There can be a LOT of water. I wouldn't worry too much, however if the liquid is colored green/brown..etc I would call and/or go back to the hospital as your baby may be passing its first stool (meconium) which the doctors should be aware of. Also if you feel anything slip into the vagina or a pulsing in there as that may be signs of a prolapsed cord. Otherwise, unless the contractions get close and or painful try to rest a bit while at home and head to the hospital at 8. If you feel uncomfortable being at home now that your water has broken I would just go back to the hospital and request being admitted because you feel too nervous at home. Either way..the process is start and I hope all goes well for you!
why would they sent you home? you can be at the hospital without them inducing you till 8 but at least they can monitor you. i would either go back up or call your doc and tell her you dont feel comfortable at home. oh and yes you can leak at lot of water, sometimes its scary cause you dont realize how much is really in there lol
Um, yeah, you have 24 hours after your water breaks to deliver safely. I would go back in now and tell them you aren't comfortable with the infection risk posed by you being sent home! I may be all about home birthing, but you don't sound like you would be prepared for that option.
It will continue to gush, because you continue to make fluid.